Donate to Disaster Relief

The Need for Disaster Relief Work

GFA workers serve victims of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, cyclones and floods. A devastating storm can wipe out homes, crops and livelihoods in an instant, leaving impoverished families with very little hope for the future.

These relief teams love the Lord and serve the needy from that same heart. They immediately step in to assist victims of natural disasters by providing emergency relief like food, clothing, clean water and shelter. They provide counseling and pray for families grieving lost loved ones. Workers bring long-term solutions too, helping to rebuild homes, put children back in school, and provide income-generating tools to get families back on their feet again.

Latest Report: Major Flooding in Pakistan

September 2022

Monsoon rains and flooding that began mid-June have culminated into a devastating crisis affecting three-quarters of all districts in Pakistan. More than 1,500 people have perished from the flooding. More than 33 million people have been affected, and entire villages and farmlands are submerged. According to news reports, one-third of the nation may be underwater once the flooding stops. Compassion service teams are ministering in Pakistan, delivering supplies such as medicine, water, food and clothing.

News Reports about Natural Disasters

Your donation can help GFA Compassion Services teams provide things like food, blankets, medicine and other emergency supplies to disaster-affected people and villages.

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Through the myGFA fundraising tool, you can answer Jesus' call to share His love while inspiring the same desire in the hearts of others around you. These campaigns are created to help the poor and equip missionaries to minister in some of the neediest areas of Asia—where millions have yet to experience His love.

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