Widows and Abandoned Children

In Asian culture, many widows are seen as a curse and may even be shunned from society. Depending on the circumstances, they’re often ignored by even their close relatives.

Abandoned children also face extremely difficult conditions. On their own, they search for food in waste dumps and make their homes with trash and rubble.

COVID-19 has put widows and abandoned children at even greater risk as they are among the most vulnerable in society. In addition to the risk of contracting this virus, many of them struggle to even put food in their stomachs, and, for widows, feed their children.

Their Situation Can Improve

Your donation will provide GFA World-supported workers with the means to help these precious women and children of God by providing essentials and hope in this desperate time.

Your gift will also give them the chance to hear about their Creator and a Savior who loves them so much that He gave His life for them, and cares about their daily needs.

Know You Made a Difference

By giving to help the widows and abandoned children of Asia, you ensure they're taken care of and shown love.

Continue this week knowing your action has truly made a difference.

Defend the cause of the orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
—Isaiah 1:17

When asked why he gave towards widows and abandoned children, Pete, from Washington answered:

“I read the book Revolution in World Missions and will never be the same. It opened my eyes at my own selfishness. That's the first reason. The second is because God’s Word says do not forget the widows and orphans.”

Share with your friends about the plight of widows and abandoned children — become an advocate for those without a voice.

Share about this through Facebook, Twitter or just a simple email to a friend.

Our Stewardship Commitment

GFA World (Gospel for Asia) is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular preferences, moneys are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves our charitable objectives.

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Fundraising Campaign

Through the myGFA fundraising tool, you can answer Jesus' call to share His love while inspiring the same desire in the hearts of others around you. These campaigns are to created to help the poor and equip missionaries in some of the most difficult areas of Asia—where millions have yet to experience His love.

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